Search for the Best: MiracleKoo Soft UV Resin Review

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MiracleKoo Soft UV Resin Bottle Sizes
MiracleKoo Soft UV Resin Cure Times
36W lamp: 2-4 minutes
48 W UV lamp: 2-3 minutes
Direct Sunlight: 10-15 minutes
Indirect Sunlight: 45minutes- 1 hour
MiracleKoo Soft UV Resin Test
MiracleKoo Soft Type UV Resin is great when you are trying to make a project that needs flexibility. The ability to mix the product with Hard Type UV Resin to achieve your desired UV Resin consistency is quite handy.
-Craftelot Resin Co. Artist
First of all, if you are not familiar with the difference between Hard and Soft Type Uv Resins, check out our uUV Resin Buyers Guide for a great, easy to understand, descriptions. If you are familiar and looking to find a great Soft Type UV Resin, you are in the right place.
For a look at how flexible MiracleKoo’s Soft UV Resin actually is, in comparison to MiracleKoo’s Hard UV Resin, look no further than this quick demonstration:
Great Versatility When Used with MiracleKoo Hard Type UV Resin
For our resin test of MiracleKoo Soft Type UV Resin we decided to make some hair barrettes.
We knew that the bases we had to make the barrettes had a slight curve to them so it was necessary to use a soft type UV Resin.
We were not sure how soft the UV Resin would need to be, so we did some research and discovered you can mix Soft Type UV Resin with Hard Type UV to achieve the flexibility desired for whatever project you are doing.
For the barrette project we did not end up mixing the two together, however we tested mixing the two to determine whether the Soft type UV resin actually did get harder when adding Hard type and we confirmed that it works!
It may take a couple tries for you to figure out the correct consistency for your specific project, but it is in no way a complicated procedure.
The Test Project: Hair Barrettes with MiracleKoo Soft Type UV Resin
In the test project, we cured a rectangular shape of MiracleKoo Soft Type UV Resin for 2 minutes.
After curing in our UV light box, the resin did not feel tacky or sticky. It was easily handled without leaving any fingerprints or smudges.
We placed two dots of MiracleKoo’s Hard Type UV Resin on either side of the barrette findings, bent the rectangular Soft Type UV Resin shape to fit on top of the finding, and cured the pieces together.
Then we used the hard type resin to seal the barrettes.
This made the barrettes sturdy and strong.
We recommend doing this when using MiracleKoo’s Soft Type UV Resin.
Another Way to Use Soft and Hard UV Resin in Concert
Bend the resin piece to the desired shape, then seal with hard type UV Resin.
Unless of course you are making a project that is meant to remain flexible!
Transparent, Bubble-Free, But Not Odorless
As far as transparency, the MiracleKoo UV Resin is completely clear after curing.
We did not notice any visible shrinking while curing.
MiracleKoo Soft Type UV Resin was completely bubble free.
It does have a slight odor, but it quickly dissipates during the cure process.
Non-toxic, but Take Precautions
MiracleKoo claims the product is nontoxic, but we always recommend taking safety precautions. Check our UV Resin Buyers Guide for detailed safety guideline recommendations.
Not For Doming Purposes
As far as viscosity, or thickness goes, MiracleKoo Soft Type UV Resin is on the thinner side of the spectrum. It would not be a good UV Resin choice for doming purposes, but it is not intended to be used for doming so we can not really mark points off for this.
MiracleKoo has a decent selection of bottle sizes for the soft type UV Resin, but it seems MiracleKoo has had some issues keeping up with demand for their product.
The first few times we tried o purchase this product, it was unavailable on Amazon. If this happens to you, see below for another great Soft Type UV Resin option!
36 Watt UV Light or Higher
Do not even attempt to cure this resin with anything less than a 36 W UV light. It is just too finicky to get cured completely.
Also, you may think you have achieved a full cure with a weaker lamp, but it is hard to be sure because the final cured resin is meant to be bendable.
Just get a quality light! The UV light cure box we use is extremely affordable. In fact it is cheaper than many of the nail salon type UV cure lamps. You can purchase it here:
What Pigments Can You Use to Color MiracleKoo’s Soft Type UV Resin?
We mixed MiracleKoo Soft Type UV Resin with glitter and cured some fried flowers into our barrettes. The glitter did not slow down the curing time.
We also tested light colored pigment powders (mica powders) and had no issue with curing.
However, when we tested mixing the Soft UV Resin with acrylic paint, it did not cure fully at all. The same happened when we tested MiracleKoo Soft Type UV Resin with alcohol inks.
Therefore, this is a great resin to use for encasing object like dried flowers, glitters, jewels, etc. However, add too much pigment and you give yourself a headache trying to cure the darn thing! (For UV Resins that work better with other types of pigments, check out our UV Resin Buyers Guide and Reviews. )
Note: We did not use dark colors and most UV Resins have trouble with a full cure if colored with dark pigments. (See UV Resin Buyers Guide)
Types of Projects You Can Make with MiracleKoo’s Soft Type UV Resin
MiracleKoo Soft UV Resin is great for creating small keychain charms, jewelry pendants, small pouches, and hair accessories.
We do not suggest using this UV Resin for larger projects.
For larger projects, we always recommend Solarez’s UV Resin due to its dual-cure ability. (See Solarez UV Resin Review for more details. )
In Conclusion…
Overall, we can confidently recommend MiracleKoo Soft Type UV Resin for all your soft UV Resin needs.
The price is unbeatable and there are very few downsides to purchasing.
Remember to follow safety precautions and have fun!
Let us know if you have any questions about this product.
We hope this review of MiracleKoo’s Soft Type UV Resin is helpful!

A Note on Availability
It took a few weeks to actually purchase MiracleKoo’s Soft Type UV Resin, due to it’s limited availably. We are not sue whether this short stock supply was just a temporary issue or whether others may run into this problem as well. As a result, we have found another soft type UV Resin worthy or recommendation, in the case MiracleKoo sells out of Soft Type UV Resin again. Here is information on where to purchase our second choice recommendation, Funshowcase’s Dayi Soft Type UV Resin:
65 grams/2.29 ounces: Buy Here
This was the only size bottle we were able to find, but it held us over until we could purchase a bottle of MiracleKoo!